TRANSAUTO TRANSPORTES ESPECIALIZADOS DE AUTOMÓVEIS S/A, hereinafter referred to simply as “Transauto” or “Controller”, is committed to the protection of personal data and information shared by users as defined below. This policy outlines how data is protected during the processes of collection, registration, storage, use, sharing, enrichment, and elimination, in accordance with Law No. 13.709/2018 (General Data Protection Law). We recommend a careful reading of this document.

PERSONAL DATA: Brazilian law defines "personal data" as any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person. In practice, this term encompasses any data that allows a person to be identified, such as name, CPF (Taxpayer Registry), ID number, photograph, etc. Additionally, personal data can be sensitive or not.

SENSITIVE PERSONAL DATA: Sensitive personal data refers to information about racial or ethnic origin, religious beliefs, political opinions, union membership or membership in an organization of a religious, philosophical, or political nature, data concerning health or sexual life, genetic or biometric data when linked to a natural person.

USER: A natural person who interacts with Transauto in situations where they may provide their personal data. Examples include individuals who browse the website, portals, social networks, patients, students, teachers, employees, third parties, or service providers, among others.

COOKIES: Information files stored on your computer or mobile devices via the internet browser. These files allow a website to "remember" the user's actions and preferences for a certain period. The use of cookies is intended to avoid the need for the user to re-enter their navigation preferences (language, font, viewing mode, etc.) each time they return to a previously visited website. Cookies can be persistent or session-based.

CONSENT FORM: A document that collects a favorable expression for the processing of personal data for specific purposes.

SUBCONTRACTOR: Companies that support the development of Transauto's activities.

The collection of personal data is necessary for Transauto to offer services and functionalities suited to the users' needs, as well as to personalize services to ensure the most convenient and satisfactory experience possible.

When requesting personal and sensitive personal data, Transauto may ask for the user's consent via the Consent Form, adhering to legal and regulatory obligations.

If a user contacts Transauto for any request, their data will be requested through an electronic form.

When data is collected from minors, it is essential to obtain unequivocal and informed consent from one of the parents, and the data will be protected to meet the child's privacy needs.

In face-to-face interactions, to initiate requests and services, it is also necessary to provide personal data, which will be collected by a responsible attendant who will register the information in a database system.

The requested personal data must be provided to proceed with your request or service. Additional personal and sensitive personal data may be requested as needed according to the selected service.

Transauto is the entity responsible for processing users' personal data or forwarding it to designated subcontractors.

Collected personal data will be processed for the provision of transport services, including management and logistics, auditing, and continuous improvement.

Transauto may process collected personal data for purposes outlined in the informed consent.

Transauto is responsible for thoroughly analyzing all proposed studies involving data and their informed consents, which must have a specific purpose for data collection.

There will be transmission and communication of personal data between Transauto departments, with access granted to designated employees as necessary to provide the best experience and meet user needs.

Transauto may also transmit user data to contracted entities that need to collaborate to improve the user's experience and service, committing to require its contractors to adhere to applicable regulations.

We may also transmit users' personal data to third parties when such data communications are necessary or appropriate (i) under applicable law, (ii) in compliance with legal obligations/court orders, (iii) by determination of the National Data Protection Authority or another competent supervisory authority, or (iv) to respond to requests from public or governmental authorities.

To ensure privacy and security in the transmission of personal data, we will use SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) encryption for all information exchanged via the internet.

Data is retained for the period strictly necessary for each of the purposes described above and/or in accordance with applicable legal deadlines. In the event of pending litigation, data may be retained until a final decision is reached.

Additionally, Transauto affirms that it will maintain all technical means at its disposal to prevent loss, misuse, alteration, unauthorized access, and misappropriation of users' personal data. However, given that data circulates on an open internet network, it is not possible to completely eliminate the risk of unauthorized access and use, and users should implement appropriate security measures for web browsing.

Transauto receives and stores user data through the use of cookies.

Most browsers are set to automatically accept cookies, although it is possible to configure the browser to refuse all cookies or indicate when a cookie is being sent. When a cookie is accepted, the Transauto website server will recognize the user's computer or mobile device on a subsequent visit.

The website uses persistent and session cookies. Persistent cookies can be removed by following the instructions in the user's internet browser help file.

Under applicable law, data subjects may at any time request access to their data, as well as its rectification, elimination, or limitation of use, data portability, or object to its processing, except in cases provided by law. These rights can be exercised by sending a written request to the email

Transauto offers users various options regarding their collected, processed, and stored personal data, including deletion and/or correction. Users can:

Delete data: Users can request the deletion of some of their personal data.

Change or correct data: Users can edit or request the editing of some of their personal data. They can also request updates, changes, or corrections to their data, especially if they are incorrect.

Object, limit, or restrict data use: Users can request to stop using all or some of their personal data, or limit the use of such data.

Access or transfer data: Users can request a copy of their personal data and data they provided in a readable format either in print or electronically.

If you have any questions regarding the processing of your personal data and the rights granted by applicable law and specifically mentioned in this Policy, you may contact the Data Protection Officer (DPO) at the email:

Users also have the right to file a complaint with the National Data Protection Authority as provided by law.

We may change this Privacy Policy at any time. These changes will be properly made available, and if they represent a substantial change in how your data will be processed, such changes will be prominently published on the Transauto website.